Electronic Scrap

The fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention in June 2022 adopted amendments to Annexes II, VIII and IX to the Convention with the objectives of enlarging the control of transboundary movements of e-waste and making all electronic and electrical waste subject to the prior informed consent (PIC) procedure.

The following changes were made to Annexes II, VIII and IX to the Convention and become effective as of 1 January 2025:

  • Annex II (waste that requires special consideration: subject to the PIC procedure): addition of new entry Y49 covering all e-wastes, its components and wastes from the processing of e-waste (e. g. fractions from shredding), except for those e-waste covered by entry A1181 (in Annex VIII);
  • Annex VIII (waste presumed to be hazardous: subject to the PIC procedure): addition of new entry A1181 covering hazardous e-wastes, its components and wastes from the processing of e-waste (e. g. fractions from shredding), and deletion of existing entry A1180;
  • Annex IX (waste presumed not to be hazardous: not subject to the PIC procedure): deletion of the existing e-waste entries B1110 (e-wastes) and B4030 (single-use cameras).

These changes have led to consequential changes in the waste lists of the WSR. As no agreement was reached in the OECD to incorporate these amendments of the Basel Convention into the OECD Council Decision, the Commission, in accordance with the OECD regulations, has adopted a regulation for the EU by means of Delegated Regulation 2024/3229.

Regulation 2024/3229 transfers entries Y49 and A1181 to the corresponding Annex IV of the WSR and deletes entry B1110 in Annex III (Green List). However, Y49 does not apply to waste shipped within the EU, but entries GC010 and GC020 remain valid, which is also made clear by footnotes to the corresponding entries.